2021, A Home Odyssey

A new blog is born

Ghislain Putois published on

1 min, 126 words

Categories: random

Tags: random

2021, A Home Odyssey

After a crash during update of Ubuntu on my vps, I have decided to build a website anew, for personal ramblings on programming, arts and life.

As I am playing quite a lot with rust recently, I turned to the Zola static site generator. I also found a quite appealing (to me) theme called DeepThought, which also includes some interesting javascript libraries, amongst them :

  • Mermaid generates diagrams from a textual description (like graphviz, but at runtime). As one says, a picture is worth a thousand words, and I know how lazy I am, even for writing ;-)

  • Chart.xkcd generates nice hand-drawn looking charts, in the style of the famous XKCD comics.